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She was half across me, her thigh between mine, her knee bent and she pressed herself up against me as we kissed. Slowly she licked down my neck until she found my small breasts and erect nipple which she sucked. Her hand went between my legs. Did she make a noise when she found I was already wet and open for her? I hope so but I cannot be sure. It might have been me. Her finger curled into me and I lifted my knees to make it easier for her, to show her I was willing, eager, desperate even. She licked around her finger as it worked its magic and then I felt a rising sense of orgasm imminent and my back arched off the bed. Her finger withdrew and she crawled up me, back to my mouth. ‘Oh, no, Mel. You don’t get to heaven just yet. We have lots and lots of time.’ She lay, face down upon me, my legs spread and lifted around her. We kissed, gently at first but with increasing hunger and she began to rock her hops between my thighs, her wetness on mine and slowly the tension in me welled. She had gone out for a couple of drinks after work with a couple of the people that she works with. I didnt think that she would be gone as long as she had been. When she walked in the door five hours after work had ended I knew she probably had a good time. However I could tell by the look on her face when she walked in that she had been crying a short time ago. Whats wrong I asked her and she started to cry and say Im so sorry, Im so sorry. Tell me I said did you have an accident, a ticket, a fight with one of the girls what? She said give me a minute to compose myself and Ill tell you. I went and got her a glass of water, set it down on the table next to her and waited. After a couple of minutes she took a long drink of water and said I have to tell you something about tonight. I said go-ahead honey Im here and Ill listen. Try not to get to angry she said. I just looked at her and said tell me what you need to tell me. She again said try not to get too angry, let out a deep breath.
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